A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I try to stick to a writing quota of about 300 words a day.
Eric Proulx liked that idea. 300 words is not too much, not too little etc. It’s a manageable size, if you’ve got other things going on… but still enough to build up a decent body of work over time.
So what did he do? He set up a little writing club called “300 Words”.
As if I needed another project in my life.
But this one is designed to make me — and you — better at other projects. It’s called “300 Words,” and the idea is to put a little peer pressure on writers to be accountable for doing what they should be doing every day. Which is write.
I get a little bit of credit for it (I drew the cartoon, woo hoo!), but really, it’s his baby.
If you’re a writer who could use a little bit of motivation and/or peer pressure to kick your output up a notch or two, I hope you will check it out, Thanks.
This seems similar to the website 750words.com. Have you heard of or used that one?
Pretty good idea to write 300 words. The longer a post is, the less time per word a reader spends. You might enjoy this article here: http://www.useit.com/alertbox/percent-text-read.html
Scriptwriter have been saying something similar for years. Do a page a day. A film script is 90 pages. A page a day means you have a feature script first draft in 3 months, for little daily effort.