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The thing about the pawn and the king in this cartoon is… well, they’re both right.
The good news is, they’re just not both right all the time.
People often think that the moment they get to the top, their problems are over. History tells us the opposite, the Roman Emperors who lasted more than a couple of years before being assassinated or killed in battle were the minority.
1. A pawn can never become a king (the maximum is a queen, and becoming a queen is not necessarily the best choice in a particular game).
2. In the cartoon, both pawn and king have the same colour (black). Therefore, the black pawn can only be considered “dangerous” from a white king perspective.
3. Kings (or pawns and everything in between) never die. If the black-to-be-queen-pawn gives check mate to the white king, it would only mean that white cannot move any of the pieces (i.e., king cannot escape). A new game can now take place, where all pieces (non dead white king included) return to their original positions to be played again.
4. Somebody needs to get out more 😀
Somebody needs to think before he draw comic 🙁
Hmmm, I don’t know because I’m not at the top…yet 😉
But I thought it’s much easier once you are established – sure, Kings had to worry about getting assassinated. But you don’t (at least that’s what I believe 😉
Don’t you have an “easier” time since you built all this momentum over your years ?
I bet you have to do much less “work” nowadays to attract business than at the beginning of your cartooning career.
just like the pawn and the king, antonio and antonio are right and wrong. black and white are the same thing in different circumstances…as are kings and pawns, and maybe even prawns
King, Queen, Pawn…all subject to the whim of the player.