[“Love Forever”, which I sent out in the newsletter recently. You can buy the print here etc.]
Earlier I was talking on the phone to my friend and mentor, Jerry Colonna. I drew the wee monster ‘Cube Grenade” on his blog a few months ago.
During our conversation, while I was moaning and groaning about the relentless day-to-day pressure of being a small-time entrepreneur, Jerry, in his kind, generous, lucid and laser-focus way, reminded me that in spite of my trials and tribulations, somehow in the past year I had managed to morph from a “marketing consultant” to full-time artist.
I guess that’s exactly what has been happening. I don’t quite know how I managed to pull that off- although long hours, low overheads and a superb business partner certainly helped.
Jerry then talked about his own career evolution- from successful New York venture capitalist, to private business coach with a thriving practice.
Jerry told me that he simply creamed off the part of being a VC that he liked the most- i.e. helping good people make a difference- and forgot about the rest.
During this conversation, I suddenly realized that I’m now trying to do EXACTLY what Jerry has already managed to do for himself. Take the cream off the top, leave the milk behind.
I can think of worse ways to spend the next couple of years. You?
You never know where life will take you to! Enjoy the trip, make as many good decisions as you can and choose your battles. The rest is unwritten! 🙂
Great post, very inspirational!
Взгляни сюда: поможет построить частный дом качественно…
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